AMADEUS Festival

International Design

Competition 2024/2025

AMADEUS Festival Vienna commences its third International Design Competition 2024/2025, with a mission to promote and uplift fresh emerging talents in the fields of visual arts and graphic design.

This initiative, framed within the communication strategy of the Festival itself, aims to serve as a platform that recognizes and rewards the works of artists interested in the world of classical music, who help us project and promote the image of the Festival internationally.




  1. AMADEUS Festival Vienna’s third International Design Contest, AMADEUS Festival International Design Competition 2024/2025 will award the best design of a poster promoting AMADEUS Festival Vienna for the year 2025. We welcome and value a variety of creative approaches and artistic points of view. The theme of this year’s competition is Women & Culture. 

  2. Submitted work must be original and unpublished. Work that has already been awarded or is pending resolution in other competitions, contests or calls will not be accepted. Participants also guarantee the authorship and originality of the submitted designs presented, as well as the absence of third party rights over them, and are responsible for any claims that may be made in this regard.


  1. Participants of any nationality between the ages of 16 and 30 are eligible to enter.

  2. Participants with any level of experience, whether it is amateur or professional, are eligible as long as their work abides by the stipulated regulations.

  3. Submissions must be individual. Collaborative or collective works are not permitted. Each participant may present a maximum of one (1) design, with their own name connected to their work. Pseudonyms will not be accepted. 

  4. Fully AI-generated works will not be accepted to the competition. 


  1. To avoid shipping costs, the participants must submit their designs and all other requested information electronically through the following Google form:


The application period will officially open on Monday, July 1st, 2024, at 00:00 Austrian Time. The deadline is Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, until 23:59 Austrian Time.

  • Posters must adhere to the following guidelines: 

    1. The posters must be submitted in pdf format with a Google Drive link to the open file in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, or Canva. 

    2. The poster design must be adjusted to A1 size. 

    3. Size resolution: 84.1 x 59.4 cm (7016x9963 pixels) 300 dpi 

    4. Color space: (CMYK and RGB)

    5. Orientation: Vertical (portrait) only

    1. The design must include:

      • The date of the 2025 Festival: 26-29.06.2025

      • The Festival logo: The Festival logo in the version that best suits will be included in the application form

  1. PDF files must be titled with the author’s last name, first name and the title of the poster, following  the format given below: 


** Participants who do not adhere to the guidelines above may be excluded from the competition. 

The organization will protect the authorship of the works, guaranteeing the transparency of the deliberation process. If there are any questions about or incidents during the participation process, please reach out to the email address below:


The contest will have two types of juries:

  1. PROFESSIONAL JURY: Submissions will  be evaluated by a jury of those eminent in the fields of art, culture, music and graphic design . Its composition will be communicated once the submission deadline closes. The jury will be responsible for interpreting the rules of the competition and selecting a winning design. The prize may be declared void if the number of submitted designs is insufficient, or if the jury determines that no designs meet the criteria. The decision of the jury is final.

  2. PUBLIC JURY: After the deadline, the works will be publicly exhibited (with full name and country of origin) in the social networks of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna. The works with more "likes" and "positive" interactions will receive a special mention from the organization. AMADEUS Festival Vienna is not responsible for the possible censorship of the participating works on social media networks (such as Facebook or Instagram) during the exhibition and public assessment process. Designs that due to their content may be considered to violate current legislation will not be published.


  1. According to the evaluation made by the Professional Jury, the best design will be selected, which will be endowed with the amount of 500 EUR and diploma. The winning design of the Professional Jury will be used for the promotion of the new edition of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna. The name of the winning person will be mentioned in the printed and digital material in which the original design appears. The winner will also receive a double ticket to attend the Opening Gala of the new edition of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna.

  2. The Design that popularly achieves the greatest impact on social networks, will be endowed with 50 EUR  and diploma. The winner of the Public Jury will receive a double ticket to attend the Opening Gala of the new edition of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna.

  3. The organization will award three special mentions with a diploma.

  4. In no case may the prize be awarded to two ex aequo works, that is to say, there will be no possibility of a draw and to award the prize to two contestants because it is estimated that the two works are of equal quality.

  5. The prize amounts will be paid by bank transfer. The diplomas will be sent in digital format. Participants who receive awards will be notified through the email address they provided.

  6. Winners must respond to the email to confirm their acceptance of the prize. If no response is received within five calendar days of the email being sent, or if the email address is false or not provided, the prizes will automatically transfer to the next design selected by the juries. 


  1. By submitting to this competition, participants  authorize the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the images presented, as well as their adaptation to the necessary support for the purpose of their communication. These designs will become part of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna archive for at least 2 years. With the exception of the winning design selected by  the Professional Jury, for the rest of the designs this authorization does not imply exclusivity towards the AMADEUS Festival Vienna. In the event that the AMADEUS Festival Vienna uses any image in acts of public communication, it will always mention the name of its author.

  2. The authors selected according to the previous paragraph authorize and assign to the AMADEUS Festival Vienna the necessary rights to disseminate the images through their social networks and other platforms. The authors will not accrue any financial compensation for this concept.

  3. AMADEUS Festival Vienna will exclusively obtain the rights for the use, reproduction, distribution, public communication and adaptation to the necessary supports of the winning design of the Professional Jury.


  1. AMADEUS Festival Vienna will publish the resolution of the awards within a maximum period of 15 calendar days from the end of the participation period. It will be published through its social networks.

  2. The awarding of the prize will also be communicated personally to the winners at the email they have designated for this purpose.


  1. The presentation to this contest does not generate any right to its participants until the prize has been awarded by resolution of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna

  2. AMADEUS Festival Vienna reserves the right to declare the prize deserted in any case.

  3. Participation in this contest, by sending the documentation to aspire for the awards, implies knowledge and acceptance of the RULES of this competition; the acceptance of the decisions of the AMADEUS Festival Vienna regarding it; the author's commitment to not withdraw the work before the jury's decision is known accept the prize if it was granted, or reintegrate it if the requirements established in the call are not fulfilled, as well as provide  all necessary documents to abide by the regulations.


  1. In accordance with the provisions of the European Union regulations on data protection, the AMADEUS Festival Vienna informs the participants, and they give their consent for the personal data they provide, to be incorporated into a file owned by each of them with the following purposes: I) Their participation in the contest in accordance with its terms and conditions; II) The management and delivery of the prize in the event that it was awarded.

  2. On the other hand, the participants authorize with their participation in this contest, that the AMADEUS Festival Vienna may publish their name, surname and image on its social networks and in any other medium, for informational purposes

  3. Participants will respond, in any case, that the personal data provided to the AMADEUS Festival Vienna on the occasion of this promotion are truthful and they are responsible for communicating to the organization any changes in them.

  4. Participants may at any time oppose the processing of their data for sending communications, news and activities of AMADEUS Festival Vienna. They may also record the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting AMADEUS Festival through the email:, with the reference "Data protection."


AMADEUS Festival Vienna reserves the right to discard and exclude any participant from the con- test, if any of the following circumstances occur:

When they sign up with fake data. For this purpose, participants may be required to verify their data.

When in any way, fraudulent or artificial, manipulate their participation in the contest.

When the jury considers that the work does not fit the theme convened; contain elements that in any way can be considered contrary to fundamental rights and public liberties; induce, incite or promote hatred, criminal, denigrative, discriminatory, violent actions, in general, contrary to law or public order; are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the participant having previously obtained the necessary authorization from their owners; violate the right to honor, personal and family privacy or the image of people; they may constitute advertising or that incorporate elements that may damage the normal functioning of the network, system or computer equipment.

When these RULES are breached in any way.


AMADEUS Festival Vienna is exempted, not being responsible for the non-compliance of the participants in the field of intellectual, industrial or image property, as well as any responsibility that could derive from the breach or defective fulfillment by the participants in the contest of the present RULES.